Make it Tight, Vent it Right

  • March 13, 2013
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • RRC Campus (160 Princess Street) P107 CGA Manitoba Room
  • 23


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Session Overview

The relationship between the building envelope and that of the HVAC systems in an important one.  Interaction between the two systems will have a dramatic impact on the performance of the building, and more importantly, the health, comfort and safety of the occupants inside it.  If you plan to make a building tight, then you need to vent it right.  The building envelope creates many challenges for HVAC designers as different buildings require different treatments. As building owners demand tighter building envelopes, proper selection and sizing of the mechanical system is critical to the success of the building’s efficient operation.  This seminar will discuss the relationship between the envelope and the mechanical systems and the importance of understanding of that relationship and the role that air leakage plays. We will also talk about the trials and tribulations of designing a mechanical system for today’s high performance building envelopes and what that means for design professionals, building owners and contractors. Hear and see real examples of Winnipeg buildings that have challenged both building envelope and HVAC specialists in their design.


Who should attend: design professionals, consultants, contractors, developers, builders, suppliers, and building owners in the industrial, commercial and institutional sectors. 

Speaker Biography

Russell Lavitt is a senior mechanical engineer with SMS Engineering Ltd with over 20 years experience in HVAC and controls system design.  Having acted as the lead mechanical engineer on many local large scale projects, Russell will present on actual design and construction experiences where building envelopes have presented unique challenges. 
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