SOLD OUT - The National Energy Code - Hope and Peril

  • November 29, 2012
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • RRC Campus (160 Princess Street)
  • 7


  • currently enrolled full time students

Registration is closed

Session Overview


The National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) 2011 is here and when adopted by the Province, will significantly change the way buildings are designed and constructed.


The 2011 NECB is the first true energy code for Part 3 construction, and introduces over technical changes to address a host of issues such as: the building envelope; lighting; heating, ventilation and air-conditioning; service water heating; electrical power systems and motors; and building energy performance compliance.  It builds on the principles introduced in the 1997 Model National Energy Code for Buildings, which was never adopted, and raises energy efficiency levels by 25% over the model Code, and will lead to significant energy savings over the lifespan of the buildings.


This seminar will discuss the key components of the energy code, particularly related to the building envelope and Tammy Harper will speak about the role of the Office of the Fire Commissioner in the code adoption process.  In addition, you will have the opportunity to hear from Rick Marshall, and discuss from a practical perspective, the implications of the new code to the industry and what you are going to need to know. 


The NECB will affect everyone in the building industry - you need to be there.


Who shoud attend: design professionals, consultants, contractors, developers, builders, suppliers, and building owners in the industrial, commercial and institutional sectors.


Speaker Biographies


Tammy Harper has been the Chief Building Official for the Office of the Fire Commissioner for the past five years.  During that time, she has completed her LEED AP certification and has worked on many codes development committees at both the provincial and national level.


Tammy is also Manitoba's representative on The Provincial/Territorial Policy Advisory Committee on Codes (PTPACC) and acts as the government support and liaison to the Manitoba Building Standards Board. Beginning in 2011, Tammy was appointed Chair of the Manitoba Elevator Board. 


Rick Marshall is the Design Manager and Senior Project Manager at BIRD Constrcution and has over 30 years of experience in the commercial construction industry in both Canada and the United States.  Rick has been a member of the Standing Committee on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (SCEEB) for two code cycles, and is also serving on the Standing Committee on Envornmental Separation (Part 5 of the Building Code).  For the current code cycle, he is chairing the Energy Target Task Group of SCEEB.

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