Precast Concrete - with Art Macaw and Ed Muehlberg from Wells Concrete

  • October 24, 2019
  • 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Manitoba Hydro building – 360 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB, R3C 0G8
  • 29


Registration is closed

Presentation Overview:

Two 20 minute presentations as follows:

Presenter: Art Macaw P. Eng.

Topic: The application of high performance precast prestressed concrete panels for building envelopes.

  •          Types of wall panels.
  •          Finishes available.
  •          Thermal performance.
  •          Moisture barrier performance.
  •          Air barrier performance.
  •          Project examples.

Presenter: Ed Muehlberg Registered Architect

Topic: IES lite weight precast concrete wall system for building envelopes.

  •          Review IES precast faced wall system.
  •          Fire rating performance.
  •          Thermal performance.
  •          Moisture barrier performance.
  •          Air barrier performance.
  •          Project examples

Speaker Bio's:

Art Macaw P. Eng

Art has been extensively involved in the construction industry for more than 30 years, and for the last 17 years, in the precast/prestressed industry, applying his engineering, heavy construction and precast experience to various markets in Canada and the United States.

He has successfully collaborated with architects, engineers, contractors and owners, providing precast solutions for multiple projects including parking structures, building envelopes and total precast buildings. Working with his industry partners he has facilitated all aspects of projects, from preliminary design, all the way through to project completion.

Art’s dedication to providing innovative solutions and Wells Concrete’s commitment to total quality are a valuable resource for your precast concrete needs.

Ed Muehlberg

Ed has been a Registered Architect since 2001.  In his 23 year architectural career, he has worked on projects of different sizes, construction types and complexities.  As a project architect and manager, he has been involved in all phases of the design process from pre-design thru construction administration.  Ed’s role at Wells Concrete continues to be that of an Architect – using his unique skill set to help find design and production solutions for owners, architects and contractors.  He helps bring new products and technologies to the marketplace, providing owner’s and design teams even more architectural options to consider in their projects.

Ed graduated from North Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Architecture and received his Masters of Architecture from Syracuse University.

Thursday October 24th, 2019

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm (registration starts 2:30)

Members $0 / Future Members $20

Event Location: Manitoba Hydro 360 Portage Ave

*Note: Security will escort you to the room after signing in

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