Radon and what you need to know - with Heather Swail

  • May 16, 2019
  • 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Manitoba Hydro building – 360 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB, R3C 0G8
  • 13


Registration is closed

Presentation Overview:

Did you know that radon is the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers?  Health Canada states that approximately 3,200 Canadians die each year as a result of radon induced lung cancer.

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is present in all the air we breathe. Outdoors radon is diluted and of little concern but indoors radon can become concentrated and create an indoor air quality issue and significant health hazard. You cannot see, smell or taste radon and as a result, elevated levels could be present inside a building and you would never know without testing for it.

This seminar is designed to educate you about radon, including the health effects, the misconceptions, what is involved in the measurement and mitigation of radon and why all buildings must be tested.

Seminar Outline

  • What is radon?
  • Exposure and health effects of radon exposure
  • Applicable guidelines and regulations
  • Testing for radon - Includes planning for testing entire building portfolios
  • Mitigation of radon - Mitigation of other soil gases is also discussed
  • Radon and new construction

Speaker Bio:

Heather Swail, B.Env.St., M.Env.
Senior Project Manager, Occupational Health & Safety

Heather Swail is a Senior Project Manager in the Occupational Health & Safety group at Pinchin Ltd. In the OHS group, Heather provides technical, training and management consulting services to a wide variety of clients in their workplaces. She has performed or managed hundreds of surveys for many agents in a variety of workplaces including construction, industrial, manufacturing, commercial, office, and health care settings. Heather performs and manages work in occupational hygiene, indoor air quality, LEED, radon, and mould. She holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours) and a Master of Environment both from the University of Manitoba.

Thursday May 16th, 2019

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm (registration starts 2:30)

Members $0 / Future Members $20

Event Location: Manitoba Hydro 360 Portage Ave

*Note: Security will escort you to the room after signing in

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