Pt. 1 - Building Performance: Maximizing Energy Saving through an Integrated Design Approach

  • April 05, 2017
  • 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
  • RRC Exchange District Campus (160 Princess Street) - P107 CGA Manitoba Room
  • 15


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This seminar will be the first of two presentations that highlight building performance and sustainability requirements. The first part will be a hands-on workshop that walks you through the different paths to meeting the energy code, LEED and other sustainability incentives (i.e. MB Hydro Power Smart). You will learn about different building envelope assemblies that meet/exceed prescriptive requirements, how to conduct trade-off calculations and how energy modeling plays a key role in maximizing energy savings through an integrated design approach. The session will focus on how different building functions should respond differently to existing sustainability codes. Balancing energy conservation measures (ECMs) and maximizing resource allocation (i.e. building envelope vs. mechanical/electrical systems) is key for cost-effective sustainable buildings.

The second part of this lecture series will be happening in May 2017. It will emphasize the benefits of energy modeling and early-stage parametric design optimization. The presenters will walk you through how energy modeling can inform the design process, therefore allowing for minimal operational utility costs. More information to follow on the second part of this lecture series.

Jordan Lanoway, P.Eng., LEED AP, PMP

Jordan is a mechanical engineer with a background in sustainable building design, envelope and mechanical systems, and project management. With over 10 years of engineering experience, Jordan brings a unique perspective to building design that focuses on energy and resource efficiency, while adhering to strict scope, schedule, and cost management. Jordan currently works as a Senior Project Manager within the Mechanical Engineering Group at Stantec Consulting in Winnipeg, and is currently involved in a variety of buildings projects including schools, healthcare, and industrial facilities. Jordan also sits on the Board of Directors for Sustainable Buildings Manitoba.

Afaf Azzouz, Buildings Energy Engineer-In-Training, MSc, EIT, LEED Green Associate

Afaf Azzouz is a buildings energy engineer-in-training in Stantec Consulting in Winnipeg. As a graduate of the University College of London and the American University in Cairo, Afaf has an interdisciplinary background in Environmental Design and Engineering (M.Sc.) and Architectural Engineering (B.Sc.). She has a three-year work experience in passive design, building envelope, energy modeling and life cycle assessments. Her work revolves around identifying energy conservation measures and quantifying the energy performance of educational, commercial, and residential projects. Afaf has published her research about life cycle energy/carbon optimization strategies for an office building in the UK in the Energy and Buildings Journal and is currently helping peer review other work under publishing consideration. She has also helped design the first 100% solar-powered and earth-constructed workers’ village in Egypt. Additionally, Afaf sits on the board of Manitoba Building Envelope Council. Throughout her career she has pursued volunteering, educational and work experiences in Germany, Kenya, California, China, Egypt and the UK. 

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