One Evergreen Place: Exterior Wall Systems Remediation and Monitoring

  • September 25, 2014
  • 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
  • RRC Campus (160 Princess Street)
  • 57


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The presentation discusses the lessons learned from over-cladding an existing 31 story masonry building with a pressure-equalized curtain wall.  An explanation of the analytical modeling used in the design of the curtain wall is provided, including cautionary recommendations from the results of in-situ monitoring of temperature, relative humidity, and moisture levels in the exterior walls.  The presentation discusses unforeseen installation issues as well as the discrepancies between the original modeling results and the actual data from in-situ performance monitoring of both the curtain wall and original masonry substrate. 


John Wells earned his Ph.D. from the University of Manitoba and is a principal at the structural engineering firm, Crosier Kilgour and Partners Ltd.  John's area of practice focuses on the investigation and remediation of roofs and exterior wall systems.  His research interests building science evaluation metrics involving both computer modeling and performance monitoring of in-situ systems. 

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